Tooth Whitening 

Why might I need to have my teeth whitened? 
Some teeth are discoloured from birth, but in many cases teeth become progressively discoloured throughout life from staining food and drink and tobacco products. We can improve the appearance of discoloured teeth with tooth whitening.  
It is a simple process where whitening trays are custom made for you and you are supplied with the necessary gels to carry out the treatment at home under our supervision. The whitening trays are worn at night and over time the treatment will brighten the natural colour of your teeth safely. 
Tooth whitening
How long will it take? 
It will take between 5 and 10 days of whitening to improve the appearance of your teeth. We usually suggest that the upper teeth are treated first and then we review how things are going, before proceeding with the lower teeth. 
Will I need further treatment after whitening? 
The gel will not whiten fillings, so it may be necessary to have these replaced to enhance the appearance. After some time the effect may lessen and it may be necessary to “top up” the whitening (spare tubes of gel are available). 
Toothe whitening at Reepham Dental Centre
Reepham Dental Centre